Bill Kristol, the editor at large of The Weekly Standard a regular on ABC’s This Week and leading political pundit, will join UVA’s Miller Center for an exclusive discussion on “The Presidency at a Crossroads” on Wednesday April 11 at the Paramount Theater.
The program will explore the notion that the American presidency faces an historic inflection point. Leading a polarized democratic system, whose institutions confront unprecedented challenges, presidents must still lead—not by fiat, but by cooperation and persuasion. Modern presidents must navigate a partisan political landscape, negotiate with a fractious Congress, contend with Supreme Court decisions, navigate international tensions, communicate through new media, and unify a nation that is often divided by region, class, race, religion, and party affiliation.
Kristol will join a panel with other political commentators and Miller Center presidential historians. This panel will aim to illuminate this turning point in the American presidency.
Kristol has been a driving force in conservative commentary and political strategy for over three decades. Before starting the Weekly Standard in 1995 and serving as its editor for 21 years, Mr. Kristol led the Project for the Republican Future, where he helped shape the strategy that produced the 1994 Republican congressional victory.
This will be the second year of a Miller Center and Tom Tom collaboration. In, 2017, the keynote event, “The Future of Democracy,” featured Peter Baker of the New York Times and US Senator Mark Warner.
Currently, “Presidency at a Crossroads” is exclusively available with a Summit Badge, All Access Badge, or Patron Badge. Individual tickets will be on sale soon.BUY YOUR BADGE