The Cities Rising Summit starts in just a few days and we are so excited for you to join a global community of changemakers and civic leaders. Not only will you have access to insights from some of the nation’s most dynamic civic leaders, but you’ll also be virtually connected to peers making change in their own hometowns.
Before we get started, here are 5 Things You Need to Do Before Cities Rising Summit:
Cities Rising is about connecting with your peers from across the nation. Put your best foot forward by adding a headshot, title, and organization to your profile.
Pro tip: Type less by importing from LinkedIn with one click!
We strive to make Cities Rising Summit community a vibrant and useful resource for enacting change in your hometown.
Just because the session has to end, doesn’t mean that the discussion does!
Take a moment to explore the many sessions each week.
Tap the star to save as interested.
Tap the seat to add to your registered sessions.
* Don’t worry–You don’t need to add an event to your registered sessions to attend! This is just to help you build your own custom agenda!
Pro Tip: Add sessions directly to your calendar by hitting "add to calendar" button
4. Share what you’re most excited for with #CitiesRisingSummit
5. Check your internet connection before all events to make sure you don’t miss a second of the summit! All events will be live-streamed via Zoom - you can see all of Zoom’s tech requirements here.